We're on a mission to make church directories easy for everyone!
Use our tools to explore your ideas and make your vision come true.
Your online directory is easily accessible by all members who have smartphones, tablets and computers.
Safe! Every household has a unique username and password; just like the bank!
Easily kept up to date.
Add new members as they join.
Print drectories at any time.
Use as many photo days as you desire.
PhotoConnect consists of an online web to maintain your church directory with the ability to order professionally printed directory for your church.
The cost $100 per year for a subscription to the online software.
$0.60 each for front and back cover.
$0.30 per page for staff, church ministry, family section, roster pages (purchased in multiples of 4).
$0.60 front and back cover
$2.40 for 3 staff/ministry pages and 5 family section pages (16 families per page) x $0.30.
$1.20 for 4 roster pages x $0.30.
$4.20 per book (50 book minimum order).